Helping to conserve the village environment and to encourage interest in its character and history

About Us
Founded in 1968, the Trust is a not-for-profit organisation run by a committee of volunteers from the community, elected annually by Trust members. It is not a registered charity.
• To contribute towards ensuring good design and development practice in the parish generally and in the Conservation Area particularly.
• To support thoughtful preservation, development and improvement of features of general public amenity and historical interest.
• To stimulate public interest in, and care for, the beauty, history and character of the Conservation Area in particular and other public areas of the village in general.
What We Do
On behalf of its members, the committee undertakes a number of activities during the year.
Three speaker evenings a year are held in the Village hall, usually in November, February and April. Guest speakers cover a range of informative and entertaining topics relating to our interest in conservation and local/social history. The talks are followed by a buffet supper, glass of wine and general socialising. These evenings are widely advertised and open to all, subject to a ticket being obtained from the village shop or committee member.
The planting of bulbs in the autumn to add colour to the village each spring and the selective planting of trees in liaison with the Parish council.
Walking one of the Public Right of ways in the Parish each year and reporting on its condition to the City of York council.
Refurbishing/repainting of public benches and carrying out other minor projects.
Joining with other village groups in the occasional major project such as the clearance of vegetation overgrowing the churchyard and the staging of exhibition events in the Village Hall and church.
Monitoring local planning applications, particularly in the conservation area and making submissions as necessary.
Keeping a watching brief on strategic planning issues as they affect Skelton (such as the City's local plan) and commenting as necessary.
Publishing two member's newsletters each year, updating members on current issues and activities.

Join The Trust
If you think our aims and activities are of value to the community you can support us by becoming a member -annual subscription is £3 per individual or £5 per household. Further donations always welcome!
As a member you will receive our six monthly Members’ Newsletter and be kept advised of forthcoming events such as our Speaker and Social Evenings.
It is entirely up to you how much involvement you wish to have in our events and activities.
The subscription year runs from January 1st to December 31st - new members can of course join at any time. Please contact us with any queries.

The committee comprises around ten members, all Skelton residents, who are elected/re-elected annually at the April AGM. New committee members are always welcome from amongst the Trust membership. To learn more – without obligation – about being a committee member please Contact Us.
Committee 2022/2023
Chairman............................................Philip Butler
Vice Chairman..................................Chris Holland
Treasurer................................................Ian Hutchinson
Website....................................................Richard Watson
Aficionado.......................................Jean Lumley
Archivist.............................................Jane Brierley
Village Hall Representative...........John Goodsir
Village Projects........................................Michael Watkins

Tree Protection Orders
Skelton is well endowed with mature trees, particularly in the Conservation Area.
Approximately sixty trees (individual and in clusters) have Tree Preservation Orders issued by various local authorities over the years. These Orders stipulate that agreement must be sought from the City of York planning department before any work can be carried out on a protected tree.
Other trees are protected because they are within the Skelton Conservation Area which by definition provides the same degree of protection.
The link below takes you to the City of York Council website and a map. If you zoom in on Skelton (to the NW of the city centre) you can see which trees in Skelton have a TPO